One of Our Three Core Principles:

Safety First!

What is the Safest Place for Retirement Money?

protection is key when planning for retirement.

The safest place for your retirement money is somewhere where your principal amount is protected. Protection is the goal we put before anything else when assisting clients.

Truthfully, the safest retirement strategy is going to be different depending on the individual client. Everyone has their own retirement goals and needs, and their own financial situation. As a result, each client is deserving of recommendations with their individual interest in mind. That being said, generally, safety of principal is something that most clients value. This is why it’s one of our core principles.

Safety in Retirement

Most people start looking for ways to protect their nest egg as they near retirement. The fluctuations of the stock market could lead to your account dropping in value. However, this risk doesn’t become problematic until you start to get older, and you have less and less time to recover in the event of a dramatic loss.

With this fact in mind, we offer products such as annuities and life insurance policies. These products come with a number of benefits, and safety is one of them. For this reason, they could be the low-risk way to guarantee* that you don’t run out of money.

Annuities: Are they right for You?

As we mentioned, certain annuity products may be a very good option if you’re looking for the safest place for retirement money. Specifically, a fixed indexed annuity (FIA) is a contract with an insurance company. 

close up of man stacking coins are annuities safe


First, you contribute a set amount of money.

couple meeting with financial advisor to discuss the safest place for retirement money


Then, the insurance company holds onto that money.

They are required to set the money aside in a reserve. The company backs the guarantee that you won’t lose any of it. Unlike other financial vehicles out there, though, annuities can offer reasonable rates of return over time. The money in your annuity then grows based on the performance of a selected index. Additionally, this money is gained tax-deferred. This means you won’t pay income tax on it until you withdraw it from the annuity.

Learn More

If a fixed indexed annuity sounds like it could be part of your retirement strategy, reach out to us. we offer these products and others with safety as the main benefit, because keeping your principle protected is our top priority. If your goal is to find the safest place for retirement money, then we may very well be able to help you.

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